>>Top 5 HELLICAR & LEWIS from Ç.R.Å.Ç.K on Vimeo.
Shouts to two good friends of mine Pete Hellicar and Joel Lewis. As far as I’m concerned they are the internet and living electronic thesauruses which makes them pretty awesome in my books. Right this moment, they are in a caravan (Mobile Republic: Digital Caravans) somewhere on the British Isles trying to use up all our bandwith with their gadgets and cameras.
Neuromancer by William Gibson
“The most amazing vision of a possible future. From the 80’s.”
PETE >> 1 <<
Bert & Ernie Get Brutal
"I love youtube for exactly this kind of thing. A great random edit of Bert and Ernie killing it. If you would like to see more of this kind of thing Google "Bert & Ernie tries Gangsta-Rap"
“The best toy ever. End of. Also did you know that Duplo, Lego and Technic are all compatible? The best.”
“Mark Gonzales is an inspiration to many of us skaters. He defines what it means to be a skater. He skates how he wants to. Draws what he feels and generally rules. Video Days was made by Mark Gonzales and Spike Jonze and was one of the defining moments in skate videos. Changing the way skaters looked at skating and it’s documentation. You can find the full movie if you look online. It’s worth a watch.”
JOEL - Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
The 90’s vision of Neuromancer. Also wrote an amazing essay called “In the Beginning… Was the Command Line”
PETE – John Cardiel – Epicly Later’d
Part one of a four part doc that talks about skater John Cardiel.
Ask any skater and they will tell you about Cardiel. He is an ultimate
ruler. Loves his `Dub and ruled on a skateboard. Watch the doc to find
out about his amazing recovered from a serious back injury. All Hail
I asked for one of my parents every year for three years. Deluxe Paint, Alien Breed, Lemmings, Populous, Civilisation, Workbench, Monkey Island, the list goes on and on.
PETE – Bert Bert. The fucking Kettle’s on fire!!”
Great Starwars – Withnail & I mash up. Had me cracking up for days.
Still like to recommend it to my friends on a regular basis. It’s a
bit like the classic BBC Radio 4 “One song to the tune of another”.
>> 5 <<
JOEL - Space
It's massive, it's everywhere. Parsecs are what everything is measured in:
We mean nothing and everything at the same time.
PETE – Epic Long Jump Fail.
Carlton Lavong will be haunted by this epic fail for the rest of his
life. Much like Stephan Feck’s epic back flop in the Olympics diving
last week will forever be classic spam up. I love Carlton whole look.
Mad high top with fringe flare. He had to be from the USA too. Love