This was on the gaurdian website as of the 31st of July. Nothing can condone what is happening in London and across the UK these past few days. It is not a case of pointing fingers. We are all collectively to blame. That includes every creed, colour and class. In the short term we need a more secure police presence and in the long term we need to re-engage with poorer and disenfranchised communities and the young people within them. As for the police and the government they need to largely work towards regaining the trust of the people and prove that they can protect and govern us with common sense and openness. We live in a multicultural Britain, FACT. No-one is going anywhere, FACT. The sooner the racists, extremist, homophobes, ignoramuses, rich, poor and most importantly the media can accept this and start working on the same page then we can progress as a dominant nation. We don’t need colonies, we don’t need the best/strongest currency or football team/league in the world. We need a sense of community from the borders shared with Scotland to those with Wales and the southern costal towns. This is ENGLAND.