Sometimes I give Spine Tv a hard time for their content and not allowing whats good on their site to really surface, but thats just my opinion. However when they get it right they really do get it right. The focus should always be on your subject, and allowing a real portrayal of what they are actually like or how they work is hard to achieve especially when in case you know the “subject”. Well this time it’s a win win on all fronts. Jiggery Pokery are two people I really admire.


I try and show them all my work and try and view their work as much as possible because I have always liked their methods and their DIY attitude. This doesn’t take anything away from their work in-fact not trying to have everything so perfect actually singles you out from all there is that is too manufactured. They say that “we like the mistakes in our work” which I find honestly refreshing and which I think is something I try and embrace myself. But having said that Spine also did a really good job with the edit and general narrative of this one. A cheeky slap on the bum for everyone involved next time it’ll be a finger bang ting

Via SpineTV