They just don’t make horror films like they used to.

SYGENOR (1990)

SYGENOR!!! This film was massive…oh wait…no it wasn’t. WITH DAVID GALE!!! Who? Seriously doe, can’t you see the guy just wants to hold somebody? And Paula (the choooong purple broad with an extensive vocabulary) was so happy to see you that she fired you and then pulled your face off. His facial expression at 0.13 is absolutely priceless.


There’s a guy working in my department who sinks 12 black coffees a day and goes through this sort of rigmarole in the office quite frequently.




SHIT IS POPPING OFF! This would be the perfect super-power/party trick for a contemporary female villain… 3 inch acrylic nails that fire off into their opponents face, brutally marring them for life? SORTED. Oh but look at the pretty patterns and that beautiful glittery varnish!!! Can’t stay mad at that.


How do you become the sort of person who carries around a wicker basket with a screaming beige blob in it that mauls doctors to death? Interesting career choice.