I’ve spent the snowy day in Brighton catching up on some of the music I listened to 12 + years ago as a long-haired metaller in the home counties. Sepultura (Brazillian thrash) led me to Nailbomb (formed by Max Cavelera from Sepultura – they had one album, ‘Point Blank’, and did only one gig ever, ‘Proud to Commit Commercial Suicide’), which led me to the amazing, Nottingham band Fudge Tunnel (by the Alex Newport connection, who was the other guitartist and singer in Nailbomb, and the singer in Fudge Tunnel).

Having a little reread on Wikipedia I note with some glee that Newport now runs a studio in New York and has produced some of my favourite bands of the last few years, including Mars Volta, Death Cab For Cutie, Polysics, At the Drive-In, and The Melvins.

So here, in all its lank-haired and torn-denim glory, is what my poor parents had to listen to from my 13 year old selfs room.

Fudge Tunnel – ‘Grey’