Simply put… growling death metal vocals, fast drumming, reinforced thrashy riffs and lots of Death/Thrash ownage played at a chaotic and absurdly fast pace. Hitler himself couldn’t have been eviler than this. We have songs like “Guerrilheiro Suicida” and “Forças Terroristas” which are the epitome of Brazilian death/thrash or the title track “Campo De Exterminio” which moves at an insanely fast pace but it features a nice slowdown part and then returns to rip your head off. An honorable mention goes for the song “III Reich” which features a mandatory riff that commands you to choke a toddler and drink most of his blood and then paint a svastika on the wall with the rest of it. Some of the songs just go on and on fast-as-fuck and others feature speedy passages but frequently break into nice half-time midsections, to then refrain into the hammering speedy verses again. w-h-o-a.